Facilitated Communication

The New Hampshire Department of Corrections strives to continuously improve assistance and support for people who are crime victims or survivors. Collaboration with community and statewide stakeholders helps us stay responsive to the interests of victims as we fulfill our public safety responsibilities.

With respect for the rights and experiences of crime victims and survivors, we are committed to keeping interested citizens informed, involved, and safe. In addition to victim advocacy, the Victim Services Unit (VSU) has two restorative justice programs:

Victim-Offender Dialogue (VOD): The VSU has three VOD facilitators who facilitate victim-initiated VODs in crimes of the severely violated.

The NH Department of Corrections recognizes the many impacts of violent crime upon people who are crime victims/survivors. We respect the associated trauma, grief and recovery which they experience. Victim-Offender Dialogue empowers interested victims/survivors to meet with the offender. For people seeking opportunity to meet constructively with their offender to assist in recovery and healing, the Victim Services Office coordinates a facilitated dialogue in a safe environment. The dialogue is victim-sensitive and only occurs through extensive collaboration and preparation to promote the physical and emotional safety of the parties. With sufficient structure, preparation and resources, a facilitated dialogue between victim and offender offers an extraordinary opportunity, for both, in addressing the personal impacts of the crime. In New Hampshire and nationally, victims/survivors and offenders participating in such dialogue report it significantly, and favorably, influences their ability to move forward in recovering from the effects of crime.

Accountability Letter Bank (ALB): Residents have the opportunity to write a letter to their victim through the Accountability Letter Bank. Many residents continue to work with staff to better understand what it means to be fully accountable and how to put that knowledge and understanding into an apology letter to be offered to the victim of their crime.