Division of Field Services

Providing secure, humane supervision and evidence-based rehabilitation while Promoting Public Safety with Respect, Professionalism, Dedication and Courage as One Team.

The Division of Field Services provides supervision to individuals placed on probation, parole, administrative home confinement as well as conducts pre-sentencing investigations, annulments and is responsible for the collection of fines, fees and restitution.

Supervised probation is when an individual has been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony and is released by the Courts into the community instead of incarceration in a correctional facility. Field Services is responsible for supervising and assisting with rehabilitating these individuals.

Supervised parole works in conjunction with the Adult Parole Board who may permit the early release of a resident from the New Hampshire state corrections system and agrees to abide by certain conditions. These individuals are also supervised by Field Services and continued efforts are made to rehabilitate these individuals and assist with the transition from incarceration to the community.

Administrative home confinement (AHC) is another form of release from the NH state corrections system. When residents are approved for AHC, they are released to be confined to their homes with certain parameters. They are supervised by Field Services and their location is checked through electronic monitoring and home visits.

Pre-sentencing Investigations and annulments are also conducted by Field Services. These investigations are requested by a Court for pre-sentencing investigation and by an individual for annulments. They include a thorough evaluation of the persons criminal charge, a thorough review of the circumstances including interviews with affected parties, and a recommendation to the sentencing judge.

When a Court orders fines, fees, or restitution to a victim, the Collections Unit within the Division of Field Services is responsible for facilitating this process. Financial Agents work alongside Probation Parole Officers to ensure these monies are collected and distributed.

There are 11 District Offices located throughout the State and they are aligned with the NH Superior Courts. These offices are run by a professional staff consisting of probation parole officers and support staff and each office is supervised by a Chief probation parole officer.

The Division also oversees the Victim Services Unit (VSU) which is devoted to supporting crime victims, survivors, witnesses and their families through the post-conviction process of the New Hampshire criminal justice system. As a unit, the goals are to minimize further trauma to crime victims and their families through enhanced advocacy and responsiveness by department staff, supporting and encouraging victim involvement in the post-conviction phase of the New Hampshire criminal justice system, and integrating victim-sensitive principles and practices within the NHDOC.