Division of Administration
Providing secure, humane supervision and evidence-based rehabilitation while Promoting Public Safety with Respect, Professionalism, Dedication and Courage as One Team.
The Division of Administration is comprised of Financial Services and Logistical Services. RSA 21:H:4 further defines the Division’s role as “responsible to provide for: (1) Accounting, purchasing, and budget control. (2) Property, contracts, and grant management (3) Assistance to the commissioner with short and long range department-wide planning activities.”
Financial Services staff are responsible for accounts receivable, accounts payable, purchasing, budgeting, and financial analysis for the Department as well as maintaining the resident banking system. Also included is responsibility for the request for proposal (RFP) process and management of contracts and grants administered by the Department.
Logistical Services staff are embedded in the three correctional facilities and is responsible for all maintenance, food service, laundry, and warehouse functions of the correctional facilities, the transitional work center and three transitional housing units.
Logistical Services maintenance staff keep the facilities mechanically operational. Our highly trained and licensed maintenance staff are not only responsible for the service and repairs of buildings, plants, utilities, and equipment, but also coordinate the services of contracted employees and services performed by vendors.
The NHDOC operates two warehouses, a central warehouse in Concord and a secondary warehouse in Berlin. These warehouses handle the delivery of all ordered food items and materials, and then coordinate weekly deliveries to all individual areas inside the facilities. In addition, the warehouses manage resident clothing orders, staff uniform orders, hazardous material inventories, and tool accountability.
Food Services
Our food services staff oversee the preparation and delivery of over 6,500 meals each day. Each meal is nutritionally balanced and approved by the Department’s dietician. The NHDOC’s kitchens are also the Department’s largest employer of resident workers; with over 200 positions available. Workers learn many skills while employed in the kitchen; they learn how to bake, prep, cook, and serve meals with efficiency and also how to disinfect and clean surfaces and equipment.
The laundry staff handles the monumental task of cleaning and drying all resident clothing and bedding several times each week. Assisted by a resident work crew, the laundry is picked up from each housing area in rolling carts and delivered clean and dry the following day.