Visit a Resident

Please know that we do our very best to adhere to the visitation schedules set at each facility. In short notice situations, changes to visitation schedules are posted on our social media outlets.

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Visitor Dress Code

Visitor Dress Code

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Visiting an individual - Current Visiting Information

  • Visiting is a privilege. Residents are authorized two visits weekly. Visits from attorneys, clergy, or other "official" visitors are not counted against this quota. All visitors must be approved by New Hampshire Department of Corrections staff. Residents will be authorized an unlimited number of family members on their visiting lists. All visitors will undergo a criminal background check prior to approval. Individuals in our custody must request that a prospective visitor be placed on his/her list. All visitors must fill out a visitor's application and send it directly to the resident they wish to visit.
  • Visitors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an approved adult family member or other legal guardian on the residents visiting list.
  • Individuals must provide the visitor's full name, address, phone number, date of birth, and identifying number (driver's license, military ID, non-driver ID). They must certify that no court or parole board has ordered the individuals to refrain from contact with the prospective visitor. This process can take approximately 4 weeks.
  • The application for an adult individual visitor is attachment #3 of the above visiting rule. For children you will need to fill out attachment #5 of the same rule. For DCYF child escorts, please fill out attachment #8 of PPD 1010.
  • The Department enforces a dress code for visitors.

*Individuals in the Reception & Diagnostic (R&D) Unit get one visit per week after they are medically cleared and until such time as they receive a permanent housing assignment.

Do I Need Safeguard Training?

Why: The NHDOC uses a specific process to approve minor children for visitation in an effort to ensure safety, security and the well-being children and the facility. Residents who are incarcerated for crimes against children or have a history of crimes against children may have visitation privileges with children denied, further restricted, or may be required to have an adult accompanying the minor complete the NHDOC’s safeguard training.

Who: ONLY for residents who have been told that they are required to have a trained chaperone for visiting room purposes. The friend/family member (who would like to bring minor children into a NHDOC Visitation Room) must fill out and send in the Safeguard Training Application available below. Note, whoever completes this training must be an approved visitor and will be the only one permitted to bring in the minor visitors for visits.

What: The Safeguard training provides an overview of the Visiting Room policy & rules, information on how to prepare a child for visitation, grooming behaviors, coercion, offending cycles, and how to report an incident.

When: Classes will be offered on the following days: 1/17/2025, 2/21/2025, 3/28/2025, 5/2/2025, 6/6/2025, 7/11/2025, 8/15/2025, 9/19/2025, 10/24/2025, 11/21/2025, 1/16/2026

Where: Safeguard classes are offered virtually and do not require an in-person attendance.