Secure Psychiatric Unit (SPU) & Residential Treatment Unit (RTU)

The Secure Psychiatric Unit, often called the SPU, houses residents classified pursuant to RSA 622:40-48, RSA 171-B:2, RSA 135:17-a, I and II, RSA 135-C:34, RSA 651:8-b, RSA 651:9a-, RSA 651:11-a, RSA 623:1 or RSA 1235-E:4 and RSA 135-E:11 and are committed or transferred for the safety and security of the public, the staff, and the residents.

SPU/RTU Visiting Schedule

SPU: Tuesdays from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

RTU: Wednesdays from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

The SPU is located on the grounds of the State Prison for Men in Concord, but is a separate and distinct unit that is overseen by the Director of Medical and Forensics. The SPU is the most intensive and secure inpatient treatment facility in the state behavioral health service delivery system. The SPU is designated to serve those having acute psychiatric needs that must be served in an inpatient setting. Those served are residents from state and county correctional facilities, patients committed through the NH judicial system (in accordance with civil commitment statutes) due to mental illness and dangerousness, those rare individuals committed under the state’s sexually violent predator law and individuals who are developmentally disabled requiring intervention for extreme dangerousness.

There are 20-30 hours per week of structured therapeutic and diversional interventions available for these patients; individuals’ treatment schedules are based upon individualized treatment planning. The SPU provides integral behavioral health services via its team of highly dedicated psychiatric, clinical, nursing, education and security staff who continually strive to advance patient’s progress. The security staff are certified correctional officers who participate in additional specialized training in managing clients with mental illness in accordance with a specialized training curriculum.

Secure Psychiatric Unit (SPU)

The SPU serves multiple populations at the most intensive and secure inpatient treatment facility in the state behavioral health service delivery system. The SPU is designated to serve those having acute psychiatric needs that must be served in a secure inpatient setting. Those served based on State statutes are residents from state and county correctional facilities, patients committed through the NH judicial system (in accordance with civil commitment statutes) due to mental illness and dangerousness, not guilty by reason of insanity, and those rare individuals committed under the state’s sexually violent predator law, and individuals who are developmentally disabled requiring intervention for extreme dangerousness.

The mailing address for residents in the Secure Psychiatric Unit is:
Patient Name Patient #
Secure Psychiatric Unit
PO Box 2828
Concord, NH 03302

Residential Treatment Unit (RTU)

The RTU offers a level of intervention designed for male residents who have a behavioral health condition and are struggling in a general prison setting. Residents may request to be admitted to this unit and are also referred to the RTU by behavioral health staff. Often, those who no longer need the intensive services of SPU may be admitted to the RTU as a transitional step down with the goal of returning to a prison housing unit.

The RTU offers residents approximately 30 hours per week of structured therapeutic, recreational, and diversional interventions. After an interdisciplinary evaluation, the treatment team, in conjunction with the resident, develops a specific, individualized treatment plan using evidence-based treatments and behavioral health best practices.

The mailing address for residents in the Residential Treatment Unit is:
Individual Name DOC ID #
Residential Treatment Unit
PO Box 14
Concord, NH 03302

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