Corrections Organization Resiliency Program (CORP)

CORP, established in 2023, is a departmental service available to support and provide resources to staff members and their families.

CORP stands for Corrections Organization Resiliency Program and its mission is to create an environment that nurtures every employee’s mental and physical health allowing them to successfully meet professional and personal goals, create a healthy work-life balance, and rise to challenges, now through retirement.

Christine Jacques is the CORP Coordinator and Dr. John Crampton is the CORP Administrator.

CORP services are a free, confidential benefit offered by the NHDOC to all employees and their families. Email CORP or call (603) 271-5650.

CORP logo

Comfort Dog Program

The NHDOC Comfort Dog Program was started in 2023. Check back soon for more updates.







Peer Support Team

Peer Support Team

In 2024, the Department established its first-ever Peer Support Team. Corrections professionals have very demanding and challenging responsibilities. Peer support teams across the country have proven their worth and have demonstrated their effectiveness. Peer support teams occupy a support niche that cannot be fully met by either an employee assistance program, health plan provisions, general therapist or psychologist.

Comprised of a variety of corrections professionals including officers, probation parole officers, case counselors, and administrators, the Peer Support Team is available to provide emotional and tangible support to all members of the department. The Peer Support Team functions as a support and debriefing resource for employees and their families by providing support to personnel experiencing personal and work related stress. It also provides support during and following critical or traumatic incidents resulting from performance of duty.